Affiliate Disclaimer

In the spirit of full transparency, I want to be as upfront and honest as possible. With that being said, here is my Affiliate Disclaimer.

Simply Mumma is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

External links on this website may also be affiliate links that could result in me receiving compensation (payment) when you traverse the link.

For example, I may receive pay per click revenue or commission on sales of products.

This helps me to pay the bills and deliver great content for you to enjoy when you are browsing these web pages.

The affiliate links are in the form of banner ads, and text links.

I receive a commission on sales via the hypertext link to our vendor partner.

All information, products and services on this web site should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching a business decision, on whether to rely on them. All disclosures and disclaimers made herein or on this web site apply equally to any offers, prizes, or incentives, that may be made, displayed, shown or offered.

You agree that this web site is not responsible and not liable for the success or failure of your business or buying decisions related to any information presented by this web site, our partners or any products or services offered or made available through this web site.

Websites linking to this generic affiliate disclosure page have decided to use this statement to explain their status as an affiliate for 3rd party vendors of products and services.

Clicks are tracked by means of a code that is contained in my affiliate links.