You have saving goals? Learn how to achieve them.

You have always thought of saving up. Came another year and you still have not done any ‘saving’. Why do you think have you not achieved your saving goals yet?

Goals stay as goals until they are not attained. The same goes for saving. You always say you want to save, but why is no single penny present in your bank account or piggy banks? Are your goals going to stay as a mission fail?

You want to save money this year or if you have saved some, do you want to save more?

What is your purpose for saving? Is it for a long-planned local or international travel? Long-Delayed gadgets and gizmos? For a dream house? Is it for a car you have always thought about? For opening a business? Is it for an insurance policy offered to you? Preparation for one’s birthday, baptism, wedding, or a wife who is giving birth in the next few months?

No matter what your purpose is for saving, the endpoint is you are thinking of the future. We have to agree on one thing: MONEY MATTERS. A lot. So while you still have money going inside your pocket, then it is high time you achieve your saving goals.

How to Accomplish Mission

Do not just set goals on New Year. Make it an everyday goal.

  1. 1. Always set concrete goals.

Figure out why you want and need to save, the amount you would be needing to save, and your target date. It is crucial to set a time and amount especially if you have other bills to pay, there are emergencies or you have a tight and limited budget. But it’s the whole point: be specific and detailed so you can reach your goal.

2. Do not detach yourself from the real world.

Sure, saying that you can save is easy. But attaining it would but attaining it could be difficult on your part if your pocket is far from being half-full. So to make your goal closer to reach, always be realistic — with your budget, expenses, and income.

You can’t expect yourself to save $100 if your income is $150. Of course, you have bills to pay as they always come with adulting. Realistically and practically speaking, you can’t save a certain target amount if it is bigger than your salary and in a limited time.

3. Set a saving timeline.

You can prefer to save on a short-term, mid-term or long-term basis. It all depends on your purpose for saving and your sources. Start small and turn out big, so they say.

4. Know where to save your money.

Banks have higher interest now so it could be a good option. You can make your money 20x depending on the savings account you would opt to open. But if it does not matter to you if your saved money earns more or not and choose to just let it sleep at home, then that will solely depend on your choices.

You see, it could be and it could not be easy to save. We sure can easily set saving goals but without the right drive, can we really reach it? Achieve the goals!