Are you looking for the best Nespresso coffee machine? Your hunt will likely lead you to the Nespresso Vertuo vs Original dilemma. So, let’s make decision-making easy and compare the two.

Nespresso Vertuo VS Original: The Difference

Coffee aficionados turn to Nespresso coffee machines because of convenience and drink consistency. And they can choose between the Vertuo and the Original pod system.

These are excellent machines, but both have unique features that make them more suitable for specific espresso fans.

Here’s a brief description of each, highlighting their pros and cons.

What is the Nespresso Original?

The Nespresso Original is the classic single-serve coffee pod machine. With it, you can make a ristretto, espresso shot or lungo, depending on the capsule type.

Breville and DeLonghi are some established manufacturers that produce Nespresso Original models.

  • Pros: more affordable, a wider range of machines and capsules, with built-in milk frother available
  • Cons: limited to espresso drinks, can only produce up to 110ml, louder pump

What is the Nespresso Vertuo?

The Nespresso Vertuo mainly targets coffee drinkers who prefer to drink in mugs rather than espresso cups.

It works with uniquely barcoded coffee capsules for easy brewing. This machine also has an extraction system for making up to five coffee brew sizes.

  • Pros: produces larger coffee brew sizes, gives extra crema, quieter pump
  • Cons: higher upfront costs, smaller machine selection, more expensive capsules

Nespresso Vertuo VS Original: Comparison

We need a more in-depth comparison to settle the Nespresso Original vs Vertuo debate. Here are some crucial factors that showcase both machines’ distinct features and abilities.

Simply Mumma_Nespresso Vertuo vs Original Capsule Type

Capsule Type

One of the apparent differences between these two coffee systems is their pod design and size. The narrow and smaller Nespresso Original capsules come in one size only.

On the other hand, the Nespresso Vertuo pods are dome-shaped and larger. These have varying heights, too, depending on the pod flavour and amount of ground coffee.

But does capsule type affect the drink quality? In a way, yes. You see, the Original’s long espresso tends to be more diluted given that its pods are small.

That means you might need two Nespresso Original capsules to make a flavourful double espresso.

Larger Nespresso Vertuo pods, however, contain more coffee. They can produce rich-tasting drinks with thicker, foam-like crema.

These capsules are also barcoded. That way, the machine can automatically adjust the temperature and extraction for maximum flavour.

But then again, larger pods mean more storage space and waste. Also, the dome-shaped capsules are unique to Nespresso. You can only buy them online or at Nespresso boutiques.

On the other hand, the patent for the small Nespresso Original pods has expired.

That means you can brew your favourite blend from Nespresso’s partner brands using the same machine. These third-party pods are also more accessible and usually cheaper than Vertuo.

Drink Options

The variety of coffee drinks is another focal point of the Nespresso Original vs Vertuo showdown.

Specifically, Original pods can make up to three coffee brew sizes only. On the other hand, large Vertuo pods can make up to five. Here’s a list for easy comparison.

  • Original: Ristretto (20ml or 0.7oz), Espresso (40ml or 1.4oz), Lungo (110ml 03 3.7oz)
  • Vertuo: Espresso (40ml or 1.4oz), Double espresso (80ml or 2.7oz), Gran lungo (148ml or 5oz), Mug (237ml or 8oz), Alto XL (414ml or 14oz)

The Nespresso Original may have limited drink sizes. But it also has one unique feature the Vertuo does not have: a milk frother.

The Original Nespresso Lattissima and Creatista have an in-built milk frothing ability for coffee drink variety. These are significantly pricier, though.

But you can also purchase a separate milk frother (Nespresso Aeroccino) if you like. You’ll likely get a discount when you buy one with an Original regular coffee maker.

You can also skip the frother altogether. Go for the Vertuo instead to make both espresso and milky coffee drinks.

Simply Mumma_Nespresso Vertuo vs Original Drink Options

Extraction Method

Both coffee systems have different extraction processes, which are not as obvious but still crucial. That is because extraction type affects your pod-style coffee maker’s performance.

Brewing output, noise level and ease of use are some vital performance indicators.

For instance, Nespresso Original uses pressure-based extraction. Here, the machine punctures the capsule and forces hot water in through 19 bars of pressure.

In turn, the foil below bursts and espresso drips down into your cup.

On the other hand, Nespresso Vertuo uses spinning or centrifugal extraction. Here, the machine punctures the capsule to let water flow inside.

The capsule then spins at 7000rpm to allow water to infuse. Afterwards, coffee flows out from the capsule’s 20-hole edge and into your cup.

This high-speed spinning results in a quieter operation and thicker crema. And as the extraction works with the pods’ barcode system, there’s minimal manual work needed to get the perfect blend.

But nothing beats the classic, as they say. And true espresso lovers will probably prefer the pressure extraction method more.

While it is noisier than Vertuo, it also produces high-quality drinks like a traditional espresso machine.

The Original extraction process is slower, though. But, hey, good things come to those who wait!


Another point of comparison for the Nespresso Original vs Vertuo debate is water temperature level.

The Original machine makes coffee at a high temperature. But Vertuo works at a slightly lower level.

But why is this so, and how does it affect drink quality? When the water temperature is low, the extracted coffee oils and essence will also be less.

This reaction explains why Nespresso Vertuo makes milder coffee than the Original.

Nespresso probably designed its machines this way to appeal to varying consumer tastes. The Nespresso OriginalLine suits people who like their espresso straight and robust.

On the other hand, the Vertuo line suits those who like less powerful coffee drinks with a thick layer of crema.

Simply Mumma_Nespresso Vertuo vs Original Coffee Flavours

Coffee Flavours

The most exciting thing about a coffee pod machine is trying out all those flavours! Of course, both Original and Vertuo machines have their unique sets of coffee blends.

And so, before buying the machine, make sure to compare the coffee flavour line-up first.

You can check Nespresso Australia for detailed descriptions, intensity levels and limited edition offers.


Nespresso pod machines come in different models. Because that only means prices also vary to cover most consumer types.

The Original machines, for example, have low-budget and premium models available. Some can be paired with an Aeroccino, while others have integrated milk frothers.

If you’re considering the ongoing expense, the Original coffee capsules are more accessible and affordable, too.

The Vertuo machine is still a good buy, though. Yes, it has limited price options and more expensive capsules. But it offers value for money for those who enjoy both coffee and espresso.

If you like creamy drinks, then you’re better off with a Vertuo. You’ll save more with this choice than get one with a milk frothing option or separate frother.

Nespresso Vertuo VS Original: The Verdict

There is no clear winner in this Nespresso comparison. Both Original and Vertuo are excellent machines with unique features to match specific coffee lover needs.

Your verdict should then depend on personal preference. If you enjoy an authentic espresso experience and budget-friendly machines and capsules, consider the Nespresso OriginalLine.

However, if you like no-fuss barcoded pod brewing, a nice crema layer and large drinks, then the VertuoLine is for you.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. And hopefully, this comparison helps you make the right one.
My coffee pod machine reviews and buying guide might help you out, too.