Juicing fruits and vegetables is easy to do, especially with cold press juicers now readily available. But how do these appliances work exactly? More importantly, should you get one?

Why Start Juicing?

If we can eat fruits and veggies as is, then there is no need to process them into juice, correct? That’s true. But the thing is, most people cannot consume the recommended servings per day.

Busy lifestyles and easy access to ready-made food are probably the main reasons. In a 2019 report, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare even concluded that, in general, adults have a poor diet.

Specifically, their findings show that only 1 in 10 adults met the recommended daily vegetable consumption and that 9.1% consumed sweetened drinks every day.

But juicing can help address this health issue! That’s because you can put a wide variety of fresh fruits and veggies in one glass of juice. It is like getting a wide range of nutrients in a big gulp!

It only requires minimal prep time, and you don’t even have to cook anything. Extracted juices are also your “nutrient express to health” as they can travel into your bloodstream and reach their body destination in a flash.

How do Cold Press Juicers Work?

Already-bottled juices are readily available in the market. However, they can be expensive, and you’re limited to a few juice flavours only.

But thanks to technology and inventive manufacturers, making fresh juices at home is now quick and easy. And one of the options you’ll likely encounter is the cold press juicer, also a slow juicer.

What are cold press juicers exactly? Well, cold press juicers work differently than other types, which makes them a better option. And that is, they do not need heat to extract juice from fruits or vegetables.

It’s a good thing because it keeps healthy enzymes and nutrients intact after extraction. Instead of having a fast-spinning blade, which generates friction heat, cold press juicers use a hydraulic press.

This part compresses or squashes the fruit or veggie to separate the juice from the pulp. It is similar to using a pestle to press ingredients against the mortar.

The juicing process is slower when compared with the other range of juicers, though. However, experts agree that cold-press juicing is an effective way to enjoy nutrient-dense or “living” juice.

Simply Mumma_Fresh Juices Using a Cold Press Juicer

What Are the Benefits of Cold-Pressed Juice?

While it’s easier to grab store-bought juices, there are also several reasons why people prefer to get a cold press juicer instead. Here are some of the most vital cold-pressed juice benefits.

Excellent juice flavour and consistency

Ready-to-drink juices from grocery stores have long expiration dates, whereas fresh cold-pressed juices will only last for a few days in the fridge. Some may find it a disadvantage, but a shorter shelf life also means you are drinking fresh batches of juice every time.

Juices are best when fresh as they have superior taste and maximum nutrients, too. Using a cold press juicer even makes these fresh juices better because of their smooth consistency. With the pulp removed, extracted juices come out with less foam.

High nutrient value

Compared with blending, cold-press juicing uses a hydraulic press to preserve all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in fruits and vegetables. Also, you get to enjoy all the good stuff since you’re making your cold-pressed juice from scratch with fresh ingredients.

Making a cold-press juice recipe for cleansing the body, boosting immunity or promoting healthy hair is fun and easy to do, too. You can experiment with various fruit and veggie combinations and discover new flavours that work.

Best of all, you’ll be serving nutritious juice without artificial flavourings, preservatives or loads of sugar.

Better digestion and absorption

Our bodies use energy to process food and its nutrients. So, in a way, a cold press juicer lessens the body’s workload since food in juice form is easier to digest.

With the insoluble fibre removed from fruits and vegetables, the body can readily transmit and absorb their nutrients, too. More importantly, it can reallocate its energy resource to other productive tasks.

Simply Mumma_Cold Press Juicer with Fresh Carrots

What Are the Downsides of Cold-Press Juicing?

Making cold-pressed juices is rewarding and fun for sure. But there are also a few crucial things to keep in mind if you want to make juicing a part of your health goals.

  • Cold-pressed juices lack fibre. Juicing takes out a lot of natural fruit and vegetable fibre that our body also needs, especially the digestive system.
  • Pressed juices cannot give a feeling of satiety. Without enough bulk or fibre, drinking juices alone (or going on a liquid diet) cannot fill you up. And drinking glasses of juice will only mean taking in more calories and sugar.
  • A cold press juicer is quite an investment. Depending on the model, cold press juicers can cost as high as $600. There are some more affordable options, though. But you still have to think about clean-up and counter space.

Juicy Takeaway

Having a cold press juicer at home makes it convenient and easy to stay on the healthy track. But anything in excess, including fresh juices, is not ideal for the body.

So, if you decide to get this nifty kitchen appliance, don’t forget the value of eating a balanced meal. Treat pressed juices as a supplement, and make sure to get nutrients that other food sources can provide.