Dust finding its way inside our home is inevitable, no matter where we live. Regular cleaning and vacuuming can keep it at bay. But for extra protection, air purifiers for dust removal come in handy.

Are these effective? And can any air purifier reduce household dust? This guide should help solve your dust problems.

Should I Worry about Indoor Dust?

Dust may be small and easy to disregard. However, it’s a collection of airborne pollutants from various sources. And these can enter the eyes, nose and mouth, resulting in all sorts of problems.

They can cause irritation, coughs and respiratory allergies. For people with asthma and similar ailments, symptoms can become constant and worse.

What are the Sources of Dust?

There are two sources: outdoor and indoor particles. The outdoor environment is the origin of soil, pollen, spore and organic compounds.

These are generally harmless. But constant or severe exposure can lead to an allergic reaction or asthma attack in some people.

There are also harmful particles, like pesticides, vehicular dust, arsenic and lead, that can gravely affect our health.

On the other hand, indoor pollutants typically come from dead skin cells, dust mites, carpet fibre, pet dander and fur. Your kitchen is also a source of cooking smoke, food debris and mould.

Insects like flies and cockroaches can leave by-products that contribute to dust build-up, too. Cigarette smoke from inside or outside the home is also a source of dust.

Simply Mumma_Air Purifiers for Dust and Pet Dander

How Do Air Purifiers for Dust Work?

Tiny dust particles float in the air until they settle on our tables, shelves and flooring. With an air purifier at home, the device can catch the particulate matter before it even gets to the surface.

That means air cleaners can pull the dust away before it causes asthma triggers or allergy symptoms.

Air purifiers for dust removal have filters that capture large and small particles. These air purifier filters are similar to those found in vacuums or HVAC systems.

Over time, the filtration system can become saturated. It can then be a breeding ground for mould or bacteria if you do not clean it or put a filter replacement.

The air purifier will then release these contaminants back into the air. So, make sure to keep this in mind.

What are the Best Air Purifiers for Dust?

Not all air purifiers can take care of dust efficiently. For example, an air purifier with a carbon filter can capture some dust. However, these types are best for filtering odours and gases.

The best air purifiers for dust have high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. You see, dust particulates come in various sizes, which we measure in microns.

An efficient HEPA filter can capture dust as tiny as 0.3 microns or particles that can go into our lungs. That’s why HEPA purifiers are ideal for reducing indoor dust.

Can HEPA Purifiers Eliminate Dust?

Dust is a never-ending issue at home, no matter how often we clean. And even HEPA purifiers cannot eliminate this problem.

That’s because filter-based purifiers can only capture airborne particles. It will be difficult for the air purifier to catch dust that has settled unless it’s blown into the air.

Despite this limitation, air purifiers can significantly reduce the amount of indoor dust. As long as we change the air filter regularly, we can enjoy our indoor space even without everyday cleaning.

Moreover, air purifiers have several benefits to our well-being and productivity.

Simply Mumma_Air Purifiers for Dust with HEPA Filter

What else can I Do to Reduce Dust at Home?

Aside from sticking to a regular cleaning routine and having air purifiers for dust, here are my other suggestions:

  • Make orderly cleaning a habit. Clean your house from top to bottom. Wipe light fixtures first before vacuuming. Then, mop the floor last. That way, you remove dust rather than spread it all over the house.
  • Use a microfibre cloth for wiping. This dust cloth has fibres that work as a dust magnet. It should help shorten your cleaning time. When wiping dust, pay attention to overlooked areas, like headboards, blinds, room corners and baseboards.
  • Ditch the broom. Clean with a vacuum cleaner instead to avoid spreading dust all over the place. Use the proper vacuum nozzle, too, to reach tight corners. Vacuum high-traffic areas like the living room and kitchen several times a week to prevent dust build-up.
  • Change bed sheets and pillowcase weekly. Laundering your linens should address your dust mite problem. Clean sheets promote better sleep, too!
  • Remove the clutter. Too many things on your dresser, side tables or shelves will only attract more dust particles. Clutter also means you have to wipe down several items, making cleaning long and tedious.
  • Control the source. Keep doors and windows closed whenever possible to control outdoor particles. Empty and wash trash bins. Have a corner for shoes to avoid tracking dust or dirt inside. Change clothes after going out. And if you have pets, clean and bathe them regularly.

Check out my buying guide to learn more about air purifiers and start improving your indoor air quality!