Knowing where to place an air purifier is key to making the most of your home device. And so, I’ve come up with these tips and strategic locations for optimum indoor air quality.

1. Put It in Spots with High Concentration of Pollutants

Proximity to the source is an important consideration for air purifier placement. The closer the air purifier is to the pollution origin, the more effective it is.

If your garbage bin has a mould or odour problem, place the device in that area. Or use an air purifier for dust particles or smoke in rooms with windows.

And if someone has asthma or dust allergies at home, put it in the room they use often.

2. Match Purifier Size with Room Size

Buying an air-purifying appliance of the wrong size only leads to a waste of resources. A device that is too big for your room, for example, results in inefficient energy use. And a too small device means ineffective air pollutant filtration.

That’s why it is crucial to read and understand the product description or label. Make sure you’re putting it in a location where it won’t exceed its limits.

Before buying, measure your floor area first. Then, get an air purifier with approximately one-third more coverage area than your room size.

3. Avoid Tight Spots and Obstacles

If you’re figuring out where to place an air purifier, one thing is sure: avoid corners. That’s because most purifying devices work best in open areas with free-flowing air on all sides.

Keep in mind that these devices can only clean air that reaches them. So, putting them behind furniture, under the table or on a shelf will decrease their efficiency.

Ideally, place the device 3 to 5 feet (0.9 to 1.5m) off the ground to ensure maximum airflow. This elevated position should catch air near the ceiling. It will reduce clutter underfoot, too.

Simply Mumma_Where to Place an Air Purifier and Diffuser

4. Don’t Use Air Purifiers with Similar Devices

It’s not a smart move to make air purifiers and humidifiers work in the same room. That’s because similar devices can disrupt indoor airflow, making it harder for air purifiers to catch airborne particulates.

Also, if the air purifier is on, it’s best to keep the windows closed. Letting outdoor pollution in will give your air purifier a more difficult time.

If you’re wondering where to place an air purifier in the living room, try not to put it near electronics like the television or stereo system. Avoid installing it close to the microwave, fridge or cooking appliance, too.

Air purifiers and electronics work on wavelengths, which can cause interference if they operate closely together. So, keep them at least 5 feet (1.5m) away.

Alternatively, purchase a high-quality unit that will not interfere with other home devices.

5. Place It Near Doorways

Air moves more in entryways or doors. That’s because people and pets often come in and out of the rooms, causing air disturbance. Plus, they’re the top carriers of indoor pollutants.

And so, it’s only logical to make an air purifier double as your security guard or doorman. Placing it next to doorways will make it easier for the device to catch airborne particles.

Try doing this if you have a nursery or baby room at home. You can place it in the room where your kids and pets often hang out, too.

6. Mount Air Purifiers on the Kitchen Wall

A home kitchen can bring lots of airborne pollutants. Cooking smells, sink or bin odour, and organic compounds from cleansers can quickly contaminate this space.

In that case, consider installing air purifiers here, too. But where to place an air purifier in such a busy area? I suggest mounting it on the wall.

That way, it won’t take up bench space. Also, you get to protect it from moisture or accidental splashes. If you have an open plan kitchen, get an air purifier big enough to cover your adjoining dining or living room.

Simply Mumma_Where to Place an Air Purifier in Your Bedroom

7. Observe Proper Distance in the Bedroom

The best spot where to place an air purifier? I would say it’s your bedroom. After all, a clean, fresh-smelling room is the secret to a good night’s rest.

But you don’t want it too close to the bed, though. Some air purifiers can create strong indoor airflow that might cause headaches, especially if it’s near your face.

The noise from the motor can be disruptive as well. So, ideally, position it about 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3m) away from the head of your bed.

8. Follow the Manufacturer’s Recommendation

This one is the most practical air purifier placement tip. After all, air purifier brands vary in size, capability and features.

The manufacturers would know how to properly install and position your device for the best air quality. Don’t forget to follow the cleaning or filter replacement instructions, too, to keep it in mint condition.

Also, before buying, ask their consultants for advice. That way, you’ll know you are getting an air purifier that works for your home.


Aside from location, there are a lot of factors to consider when buying an air purifier. And so, I highly recommend doing your research first.

It will help you understand foreign terms and the different types of air purifiers. Reading my air purifier reviews and buying guide can help, too!